Charles 'Joseph' Trefzger, Jr.
1926 - 2015

Trefzger Bakery history
family photos
Joe’s obit
Joe’s passing
father: Joe Trefzger, Sr.
mother: 'Dora' Dorothy Trockur
spouse: Gladys Moody
Sharon, Butch & Beth
John, Joe(Jr), Tom & Mary
Trefzger family
Joe(Jr.) was born on November 19, 1926 in St. Francis Hospital, Peoria, IL. On June 5, 1948 he married Gladys Moody in Joliet, IL. Joe served in the Navy during WW2. He learned the Bakery business from his Dad, and when his Dad was ready to retire he took over the management of the family buisness.

"The only family house for Charles J. Sr. and Dora (Trockur) Trefzger -- parents of John/Joe/Tom/Mary -- was at 408 E. McClure Avenue in Peoria. They bought the house when they got married, in about 1921, raised all 4 kids there, and both lived there until they died."*

" When the four (my Dad and his siblings) were growing up they all took piano lessons, (Dad took for 9 years), I think from a Miss Button who came to the McClure house. Could have her name wrong. They had a dog, I think named Pal, but that could be wrong too. Sorry to be so weak on the details."*

"Dad started out at Columbia grade school on Bootz avenue in Peoria. Then there must have been a redistricting, probably as the part of town north of Columbia was growing, and starting with grade 6 he went to Glen Oak School on Frye Avenue, where he and Tom and Mary all finished 8th grade. [John may have gone only to Columbia; you may have that info. already.] Don't know whether and how long Tom or Mary may have gone to Columbia, but all finished at Glen Oak, which I think is actually closer to the McClure house than Columbia is. Then all four of them graduated from E.N. Woodruff High School on Perry Street; all but John went there all 4 years. Dad graduated in 1944 and went right into the navy when he was still 17 (November birthday). Tom would have graduated from Woodruff 1947, Mary I think in 1950 but not sure. Interestingly, Joe's kids (Sharon and Beth and I) and Tom's (sons Thomas Edward Jr. and Timothy) also all went to Woodruff."*

"When dad was in high school he worked one summer as a lifeguard at the Peoria Country Club."*

"At Woodruff dad was big time athlete; standout as both quarterback of football team and second baseman on baseball team. Also was in wrestling for a year or two, but football (2 years) and baseball (4 years) were big time with him. He was an outstanding hitter; am thinking he led conference in batting average his senior year. But don't quote me on that. He also liked to hunt with his dad; when he came back from the navy they went to South Dakota on a fall hunting trip. At least one time my grandfather went to Woodruff and told the principal he had to get dad out of class to help with matters at the family business, and they went hunting. I think the statute of limitations has run out, so we can tell that. He and Charles J. Sr. also built a small cabin on some rural, wooded land near Deer Creek, IL ("the farm") that was used for family get-togethers from the 1940s until shortly before grandpa died. "

"Tom was into football and track in high school. He was in the army during the Korean War era, but was stationed in Germany. Obviously I don't have as much detail on his activities. I think he was a pretty good student, top 10 of his class."*

"Dad, on the other hand, would be the first to tell you he did not apply himself to academics. He's remarkably intelligent, in my view, with a tremendous wit -- interviewed by Woodruff newspaper once, he cited as his favorite school subject "lunch." When he was in South Pacific on a US Navy (Auxillary Oil & Gas) tanker during WWII, he would send letters that had people at home laughing uproariously. He did basic training at Great Lakes, north of Chicago on Lake Michigan, and also did some training at Gulfport, Mississippi. He spent active duty time in the Philippines, and in the Caroline and Mariana islands. While traveling home after war ended he got very ill on a troop train, and they took him to a civilian hospital at Cut Bank, Montana, where apparently the people were very kind to him. Dad was in the service for 22 months. Married our mom in June 1948."*

"They often took summer vacation trips to Minnesota, and a favorite place to stay was McClintick's resort. Not sure on the spelling."*

"Their next door neighbors to the west were two unmarried sisters (one widowed) and their mother, all of whom drank and used foul language -- to the delight of the kids."*

"With having the bakery, which was truly a ton of work (thus the next generation all said no thanks), I don't think dad or Tom either one had typical kinds of hobbies during their working years. Dad is a member of Peoria Heights VFW Post (not sure he does a lot there), and he gets together once a week for lunch with three of his Woodruff football friends. (They always go to the Penguin Tap in Peoria Heights, the story of how they've been friends for so long and still eat together regularly actually made the Peoria newspaper.) His faithful adherence of late to a highly restricted diet (medical issues) and exercise regimen has been truly inspiring."*

by 'Butch' Joseph William Trefzger

Joe died on July 11,2015 after about 5 years on dialysis.

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